​Adult & Youth Video/Short Film Competitions

2016 Official Rules & General Information
1. Competition entries must be submitted by September 6th, 2017. A separate registration form must be
completed for each submission.
​2. Non-refundable entry fee of $5.00 per entry for the Youth (through 12th grade) Contest and
$10.00 per entry for the Adult Contest is due when entries are submitted. Make checks payable to KAFTA.
​3. Fall Into Arts committee reserves the right to reject entries deemed unsuitable for this
​4. Participants may enter original work created within the last three years.
​5. Winning Entries will be shown during the Fall Into Arts Festival, on Sunday, Sept. 11, at 4:00 p.m. at the Kennett Palace Theater, 224 First St.
​6. A total of $400 in prize money will be awarded. Prizes awarded on discretion of the judges.
​2016 Video Submission Requirements
The video must be:
1. Submitted via mail along with the entry form on a flash drive or DVD to KAFTA, PO Box
533, Kennett, MO 63857, or submitted in person at the Kennett Palace Theater. You will receive an email on receipt of entry. Your submission will be returned to you following the event.
2. An original idea from you or your team.
3. Created by you.
The video must not:
1. Include any content which is obscene, graphic, etc.
2. Feature people, including celebrities and friends, who did not give permission to display their
images, likenesses or voices.
3. Plagiarize.
Additionally, reliance on copyrighted works, such as music for your soundtrack,
will adversely affect the score your video receives in judging.
If you have any questions or concerns,
please contact Tom Johnson: 573-344-2979;
fallintoarts@gmail.com or at www.kafta.org
A total of $400 will be awarded for the
Video/Short Film Competitions.